The installation, Te Haeata o Rangitoto, is made up of 33 powerful lights similar to those used at Ground Zero in New York.
The light beam is intended to echo the form of traditional pou herenga - hitching posts or moorings for waka (ocean-going canoe).
The project is an initiative by the iwi of Marutuahu, Ngati Whatua and Waiohua-Tamaki, known as the Tamaki Collective, and is supported by Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development (Ateed). It coincides with the Tamaki Herenga Waka Festival, which focuses on the Maori identity and heritage of the region.
Photos by Peter Mellalieu from Arataki Centre, and Tawini Road, Glen Eden. Equipment Canon EOS 600. 300 mm. 30 seconds exposure. Assorted aperture and ISO. Manfrotto Tripod.
Text source from:
Theunissen, M. (2016, January 30). No aliens here: Rangitoto light show celebrates city’s Maori heritage. New Zealand Herald. Retrieved from