Galleries 5
Collections 3
Groups 0
Created 24-Aug-16
Modified 19-Sep-16
American Club 50th Anniversary Celebration 1966-2016

This group includes a selection of photographs, news clippings, and other artefacts from the current and historical archives of the American Club Inc (New Zealand). The slides cover the period from the club's foundation in 1966 through 2016.

The photographs of the celebration event are also presented.

The 50th Anniversary was held at:
Sunday September 18th 2016
11:30 am - 3:30 pm Five Knots Tamaki Yacht Club, Auckland

Further photographs from our archives

50th Anniversary Celebration Sept 2016

Visitors 10
0 photos
Created 20-Sep-16
Modified 20-Sep-16

American Club 50 Years Slideshow

Visitors 3
0 photos
Created 17-Sep-16
Modified 17-Sep-16

The Quiz: Five decades of significant US events

Visitors 0
4 photos
Created 20-Sep-16
Modified 20-Sep-16
The Quiz: Five decades of significant US events

Archive 1: Foundations scrap book 1966-1997

Visitors 1
62 photos
Created 28-Aug-16
Modified 28-Aug-16
Archive 1: Foundations scrap book 1966-1997

Archive 2: American Club Who's Who 1996-2006

Visitors 1
9 photos
Created 30-Aug-16
Modified 30-Aug-16
Archive 2: American Club Who's Who 1996-2006

Archive 4: 1993-2005

Visitors 0
0 photos
Created 1-Sep-16
Modified 1-Sep-16

Archive 6: 4th July 2007

Visitors 0
0 photos
Created 31-Aug-16
Modified 31-Aug-16

Archive 7: Slide collection for 1966-1986

Visitors 0
0 photos
Created 6-Sep-16
Modified 6-Sep-16

50th Mini-selection

Visitors 1
51 photos
Created 6-Sep-16
Modified 6-Sep-16
50th Mini-selection

Bookmarks and titles

Visitors 1
39 photos
Created 6-Sep-16
Modified 6-Sep-16
Bookmarks and titles

Archive 3: Beth Selection 30-Aug-16

Visitors 0
11 photos
Created 30-Aug-16
Modified 30-Aug-16
Archive 3: Beth Selection 30-Aug-16